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Our Customers

Specialty Vehicles

Stevens Point Police
S.W.A.T. Bus

Stevens Point Police
Chevrolet Suburban

Ben Gollon
Isuzu Turbo Diesel Boat

Tomorrow River Snowmobile Club
Snow Cat Trail Groomer

Stock Cars

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Rookie of the Year

Track Record Holder

Track Record Holder

Chad Brundidge

Sam Brundidge

Sam Brundidge

Chad Brundidge
Fast Qualifier

Sam Brundidge
Fast Qualifier

Carl Saylor
Rookie Of The Year

CWSSA Track Champion

Jim Cormack

Greg Gustin

Matt Wisz

CWRA Track Champion

Todd S.
Feature Winner

Cale Laessig
Track Champion

Mike Brooks
Rookie of the Year

Neil Soyka
Feature Winner

Mud Racers

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Track Champion