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Monday Drive: Furo Racecraft
article posted to WAOW TV's website on Jul 14, 2008 by Jana Jurkovich.

STEVENS POINT(WAOW) - Harold Furo used to work at the railroad and he'd spend some of his spare time drag racing and working on racecars.

Says Furo, "I fell in to the drag racing because it was more feasible. So then I kept doing this outside of my house and I got a job with the railroad and kept doing this on the side."

Now what started as something Furo did for fun and to help out buddies at local Wisconsin race tracks has blossomed a big time custom racecar business that deals across the Midwest.

Furo, "It's just kept growing and growing and developed to where we're at by word of mouth. It's a great feeling."

They work with everything from drag cars and Road America cars to circle track cars.

Says Furo, "We basically are known for drag stuff, but we do a lot of other stuff."

and can customize everything from wiring to chassis. A diesel truck they worked on even earned a spot in Diesel World Magazine.

Says Furo, "If you want something you can bring it in and you can drive it away."

One reason Furo Racecraft has become so successful is their willingness to work on and build what many other companies won't.

Furo Says, "It's the challenge of doing something that someone else has problems with doing. We take it and we create it."

While the challenge of a new project will always drive Furo, the inspiration behind the company is what fuels him on a daily basis.

Says Furo, "This is something my dad always dreamed of, so I felt I needed to live his dream. I had an opportunity and I went for it and here we are today."